Attributes and methods available on the Column
Column Groups
Returns the parent column group, if column grouping is active. |
Returns the parent column group, if this column is part of a column group. |
Returns whether this column should be shown when the group is open / closed or undefined if its always shown. |
Returns column group padding info. |
Returns true if this is an empty group. |
Returns the unique ID for the column.
Equivalent: getId , getUniqueId |
Returns the column definition for this column.
The column definition will be the result of merging the application provided column definition with any provided defaults
(e.g. defaultColDef grid option, or column types.
Equivalent: getDefinition |
Returns the column definition provided by the application.
This may not be correct, as items can be superseded by default column options.
However it's useful for comparison, eg to know which application column definition matches that column. |
isColumn is always true . Used to distinguish between columns and column groups. |
Returns true if the cell for this column is editable for the given rowNode , otherwise false . |
Returns true if the fill handle is suppressed. |
Returns true if column filtering is allowed. |
Returns true if filter is active on the column. |
Returns the pinned state of the column. |
Returns true if this column is pinned either left of right. |
Returns true if this column is pinned left. |
Returns true if this column is pinned right. |
Returns true if this column is the first right pinned column. |
Returns true if this column is the last left pinned column. |
Row Aggregation
Returns true if this column can be used as a value column. |
Returns true if value (aggregation) is currently active for this column. |
If aggregation is set for the column, returns the aggregation function. |
Row Dragging
Returns true if this column and row node can be dragged. |
Returns true if this column and row node allows dragging for native drag and drop. |
Row Grouping
Returns true if this column can be used as a row group column. |
Returns true if row group is currently active for this column. |
Returns true if this column group is being used to display a row group value. |
Row Pivoting
Returns true if pivoting is allowed for this column |
Returns true if pivot is currently active for this column. |
Returns true if column is a primary column, false if secondary. Secondary columns are used for pivoting. |
Returns the current width of the column. If the column is resized, the actual width is the new size. |
Returns the minWidth of the column or the default min width. |
Returns the max width for the column. |
Returns the flex value of the column or null if not set. |
Returns true if this group is resizable. |
Returns true if the column has autoHeight enabled. |
Returns true if the column header has autoHeight enabled. |
Returns the auto header height. |
Returns true if this column spans the header height. |