Vue Data GridExcel Export - Page Setup


Excel Export allows you to configure the page settings for the exported Excel file.

Page Setup

You can customise the Excel export page settings such as page size, orientation, and margin, using the pageSetup and margins configs of the Excel Export Params. These settings are visible when printing the exported Excel file or exporting to PDF.

    /* other grid options ... */>

this.defaultExcelExportParams = {
    pageSetup: {
        orientation: 'Landscape',
        pageSize: 'A3'
    margins: {
        top: 1,
        right: 1,
        bottom: 1,
        left: 1,
        header: 0.5,
        footer: 0.5,

The value of the margins must be provided in inches.

Note the following:

  • The sample below allow you to configure the page size, orientation and margin values.
  • Page size and orientation are stored in the pageSetup object.
  • Margin values are stored in the margins object.



interface ExcelExportParams {
    // ...
    margins?: ExcelSheetMargin;
    pageSetup?: ExcelSheetPageSetup

