React Data GridGetting Started with AG Grid

As of AG Grid v28.2.0, AG Grid comes with full support for SolidJS. When using AG Grid with Solid, all of the grid's core rendering (headers, rows, cells etc) is rendered using Solid.

AG Grid Solid shares the same 'business logic layer' as the other AG Grid versions (React, Angular, Vue, or just JavaScript). This means the features of AG Grid Solid are identical to the features in AG Grid's other framework flavours. However because the rendering is done 100% in Solid, the grid works as a native Solid Component.

AG Grid Solid is NOT a JavaScript component with a thin Solid wrapper. AG Grid is the Real Deal when it comes to a Data Grid Implementation for SolidJS.

Video Tutorial for Getting Started with AG Grid Community thumbnail

Show Me

Below is an example using AG Grid with SolidJS. Take a look at the code and note the use of the AgGridSolid component.

This page does not introduce the basics of AG Grid, it is assumed you are already familiar with it. If you are not familiar with AG Grid, then it is recommended you start with Getting Started and then refer back to here.

This page explains how a AG Grid Solid application is wired up. Once this is understood, you should refer to the the AG Grid React documentation on how to use AG Grid, as AG Grid React code examples are the most similar to AG Grid Solid.


The NPM dependency for AG Grid Solid is ag-grid-solid. When adding this to your package.json, make sure the version numbers match ag-grid-community and ag-grid-enterprise (if using Enterprise).

"dependencies": {
   "ag-grid-community": "~32.0.2",
   "ag-grid-solid": "~32.0.2",

The AG Grid Solid component can then be imported in the application.

import AgGridSolid from 'ag-grid-solid';

Grid Component

Once the Solid grid component is imported, it can then be inserted into the Solid application using JSX.


It's best to place the grid component inside another DOM element that has a set size. The grid will then fill the size of the parent element. You also need to import CSS files for a) the core CSS which is mandatory and b) a grid theme which is optional. The theme also needs to be specified as a CSS class in a parent element to the grid.

import AgGridSolid from 'ag-grid-solid';

import 'ag-grid-community/styles/ag-grid.css'; // grid core CSS
import "ag-grid-community/styles/ag-theme-quartz.css"; // optional theme

const MySolidApp = ()=> {

    return (
        // set fixed size to parent div, and apply grid theme ag-theme-quartz
        <div style={{height: '500px'}} class="ag-theme-quartz">

Binding Properties

You can use Grid Properties, either bind Solid Signals (for changing properties) or directly (if static properties). Grid Events are also bound via properties.

import AgGridSolid from 'ag-grid-solid';

import 'ag-grid-community/styles/ag-grid.css'; // grid core CSS
import "ag-grid-community/styles/ag-theme-quartz.css"; // optional theme

const MySolidApp = ()=> {

    // use signal, as row data will change
    const [rowData, setRowData] = createSignal();

    // if columns will change, best use a signal, however if column definitions
    // are static, we don't need to use a signal
    const columnDefs = [
        {field: 'name'},
        {field: 'age'}

    // event listener
    const selectionChangedCallback = e => {
        console.log('selection has changed', e);

    return (
        <div style={{height: '500px'}} class="ag-theme-quartz">
                rowData={rowData()} // use signal
                columnDefs={columnDefs} // no signal
                rowSelection="single" // no signal, inline
                onSelectionChanged={selectionChangedCallback} // listen for grid event

Grid API

The grid API is accessed as a Solid Ref.

const MySolidApp = ()=> {

    let grid; // ref for the grid

    const myAction = ()=> {
        // use grid api

    return (
        <div style={{height: '500px'}} class="ag-theme-quartz">

If using TypeScript, the type to use is AgGridSolidRef.

import AgGridSolid, {AgGridSolidRef} from 'ag-grid-solid';

const MySolidApp = ()=> {

    let grid: AgGridSolidRef;

    // ...


Custom Cells

The Custom Cells examples demonstrates using Cell Renderer to customise the cells in the Age Column. Note that the Cell Renderer is a standard Solid Component and is set onto the grid using the Column Definitions.


See Cell Renderers for full details on creating React Cell Renderers and then apply this knowledge to Solid.

Using Cell Editors

Below is an example showing different types of Solid Cell Editors. Edit any cell by double clicking the mouse. The Gold and Silver Columns use custom Solid Components. Gold edits inside the cell and and Silver edits in a popup (cellEditorPopup=true).

A custom Cell Editor component requires the component to expose an API from the componet to the grid. Using React this is done using an Imperative Handle. In Solid this is done by calling ref(api) on the props.

const api = {


See Cell Editors for full details on creating React Cell Editors and then apply this knowledge to Solid.

Customising Headers

This example demonstrates custom Column Headers and Column Group Headers using Solid components.


See Column Headers and Column Group Headers for full details on creating these components with React and then apply this knowledge to Solid.

Advanced Grid Features

Below is an example of AG Grid Solid showing more advanced features such as Row Grouping, Range Selection and Integrated Charting.


Master Detail

When the master grid is AG Grid Solid, then the detail grids also use AG Grid Solid. In the example both Master and Detail grids are using Solid Cell Renderers.



If using AG Grid Modules, the dependencies will be different.

"dependencies": {
    "@ag-grid-community/core": "~32.0.2",
    "@ag-grid-community/client-side-row-model": "~32.0.2",
    "@ag-grid-community/solid": "~32.0.2",

And the import will also be different.

import AgGridSolid from '@ag-grid-community/solid';

The example below shows an AG Grid Solid example using modules.
